
Hello! Welcome to my digital diary that I like to call my "blogbook" In here I'm gonna share my feelings, thoughts and tips. I'm gonna write about everything from fitness to beauty and design. About the married life and about my everyday life. Everything that comes to mind for short! There is also a chance that it gets a whole lot deeper than that! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it! Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-04-04 00:41:51 i Allmänt,

Today I started the 28-days fitness guide from fitazfk! 
And I must say, for being so short time wise, it was extremely exhausting! Maybe becuase its my first day and I havent been working put since forever but still. I could feel is BURN! 
A really good thing about the guide is that it has like meal suggestions each day, so you always have inspo on what to eat. They write down what to eat and what to avoid aswell which is awesome! And as that wasn't enough, they even have instructions on how to make the meals! 
They also have a day-to-day plan and what exercises to make and how many reps! 
And under each of them they have pics, which makes it easier for you to know what to do! 
The little sad thing is that its a lot of text, and since I dont have a printer to print out the papers, its lot of jumping back and forth between pages, and it was a bit confusing in the beginning. But after a little while, it did get easier to understand and to do! 
Im gonna have big trouble walking tomorrow! And since its cardio tomorrow, Im gonna die... 
BUT we will get trough this and its an awesome  challenge!! 
Other than that. I was at work, then got home, did my workout, my meal plan and some food searching! 
Now sleep and get ready for tomorrow! 
Love xx


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Elissa Malak Chahine

A happy girl with a pretty ordinary life! Married to the best man in the world and surrounded by the worlds best family and friends! In this blogbook I write aboout some stuff that I think about, feel strongly about and about my opinions about stuff. Aaaand sometimes about some crzy stuff happening in my not so crazy life! Love xx



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