Dear Blogbook!
Hello everyone!
Today is the first day of april. That means that everything someone says today will ne questioned and most likely not believed if its something crazy.
BUT here is something super crazy AND its true.
I got the collab of my dreams and its the collab with fitazfk!
They have a 28 days fitness plan and food plan! And they even have a 8 weeks fitness plan!
Their prises are super nice aswell! Its really the prise that fits every pocket!
Food guide: thelinkishere
The 28 days guide: thelinkishere
8 weeks guide: thelinkishere
Gliders: thelinkishere
Bands: thelinkishere
And for a limited time there is a bundle so you could get a couple of stuff and save money on them!
I will be doing the 28 days fitness plan and follow the food guide as close as possible and my hubby will be forced to do it with me aswell because well he married me so!
In addition to this I will be starting a youtube channel to document my life and my progress, but aso because I've been talking about starting one in like forever, and now seems like the perfect time!
SO this is how this is gonna work! I will be starting the program on monday, becuase im under antibiotica treatment atm, and will hopefully be better on monday! Plus that I will finish the guide on the last day of the month, so I made most sence to me! I will do a daly update on everything. That means on both the fitness pointt and the food guide! And on every Sunday I will do a long more detailed blogpost about the week that passed. And in combo with that I will hopefully start vlogging aswell. So that means that every sunday, it will have a video and blogpost!
Sounds good? Good!
Dont forget to share you thoughts with me in the comments! But remember to keep a nice tone!
Fitazfk also have crazy nice undies that fits everyone to a crazy nice prize aswell!
Love xx