
Hello! Welcome to my digital diary that I like to call my "blogbook" In here I'm gonna share my feelings, thoughts and tips. I'm gonna write about everything from fitness to beauty and design. About the married life and about my everyday life. Everything that comes to mind for short! There is also a chance that it gets a whole lot deeper than that! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it! Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-06-28 23:59:00 i Allmänt,

Okay okay! 
I know I havent been on here in FOREVER! 
BUT! I do ofc have my reasons! 
Ive been very sick and my family was here to visit, so I did put them before blogging, yeah I know, I know.. 
But thats just the way it is! 
Now I'm back and more motivated than ever! It's summer, I'm happy, my health is AMOST 100% again aaaand ITS SUMMER!! Yeah I know I wrote it twise, but thats how important that is for me! 
So, due to A LOT of complications I havent been able to finish everything I wanted, So starting 1st of July, I will be doing my FITAZFK 28 days challenge ALL OVER AGAIN! And its gonna be soooo much fun! I will have to fix the food plan a little, since its not formed after my billion "can't eat this" but I'm sure I will find a way! 
Other than that, its been forever since I uploaded my YouTube channel aswell, But that is gonna chnage! A new video is under editing and hopefully will be done very soon! 
SOOO a lot of stuff happening! So stay tuned for the future! 
Take care of each other and be KIND 
Love xx


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Elissa Malak Chahine

A happy girl with a pretty ordinary life! Married to the best man in the world and surrounded by the worlds best family and friends! In this blogbook I write aboout some stuff that I think about, feel strongly about and about my opinions about stuff. Aaaand sometimes about some crzy stuff happening in my not so crazy life! Love xx



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