
Hello! Welcome to my digital diary that I like to call my "blogbook" In here I'm gonna share my feelings, thoughts and tips. I'm gonna write about everything from fitness to beauty and design. About the married life and about my everyday life. Everything that comes to mind for short! There is also a chance that it gets a whole lot deeper than that! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it! Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-05-26 18:53:21 i Allmänt,

Hello everyone! 
So its friday today and I bet most of the world is super excited about that, but for me, I didnt know it was friday until I looked at my calendar. The life of the housewife! Anw, while I was doing absolutely nothing, I came to think about a topic thats really big part of my life, LOVE. 
Dont worry this isnt gonna be one of these super cheesy posts about how love makes you feel like your waking on a field of like candy and rainbows with unicorns and stuff! 
Lets talk about real everyday love! 
So like everyone knows I'm married and been happily married for almost a year now, which is crazy! But everyday of my marrige isnt a walk in the park under sunshine. And I'm not sad about that! Because thats normal, if you're in a relationship and NEVER disagree on anything, are you really in a healthy relationship? The thing is with relationships and marrige, its not suppose to be like rainbows and stuff. You are 2 different people, you are your own person and 2 individuals trying to work as one isnt gonna be flawless! You are gonna fight and argue and dissagree, because in the end of the day, you are trying to live together with a human thats not exactly like you. And life isnt easy when you like live alone with just you to figure out and to handle, and its sure as hell not easy when you have to figure out another human being whos mind you cant read! 
Love is the best feeling in the world, it makes life better. Its the best thing ever to have someone to push you and to be your own little cheerleader when you need it the most. Love will always be better than anything else. I'm talking abou love in a emotion kinda way, so what I mean is that you can recieve it in different kind of ways. It can be trough your family, friends, partner, church, sports etc. But love is rather fenominal when you have a special someone to share it with. That lives with you, loves you, supports you, and goes trough life together with you. It doesnt mean that your love is perfect but at least its perfect for you! 
I dont think I really have an "aha" kinda point with this post, rather than just confirming to every struggling couple out there that it is okay to go trough paths with bumps on the road. Its okay to disagree. In the end of the day, you are still trying to figure yourself out while figuring another human being out! Give yourself some slack and take a date night just the two of you to enjoy eachother!
But I will say this; whats NOT okay is when the bumps on the road comes in the form of physical abuse. Everyone knows this, everyones heard it, yet there is still so many people living in toxic relationships. I've been lucky to never go trough that, so I cant even imagine how the person feels. But I do know that if you are in one of those relationships, and youre afraid to leave or cant leave for different reasons, please get help! If there are children involved PLEASE GET OUT OF THERE!! If you are afraid for different reasons, dont be, there is a lot of wonderful people working hard daily to protect people like you! Look it up on the internet, how you can get help the closest, make sure to act asap, becase you dont deserve that no matter what the evil little voice in your head says. You NEVER deserve to be treated like that. We even have laws protecting ANIMALS from that kind of behavior. What on earth would make you think that you're less worthy? 
Take care of each other and be KIND! 
Love xx


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Elissa Malak Chahine

A happy girl with a pretty ordinary life! Married to the best man in the world and surrounded by the worlds best family and friends! In this blogbook I write aboout some stuff that I think about, feel strongly about and about my opinions about stuff. Aaaand sometimes about some crzy stuff happening in my not so crazy life! Love xx



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