
Hello! Welcome to my digital diary that I like to call my "blogbook" In here I'm gonna share my feelings, thoughts and tips. I'm gonna write about everything from fitness to beauty and design. About the married life and about my everyday life. Everything that comes to mind for short! There is also a chance that it gets a whole lot deeper than that! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it! Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2018-05-26 16:50:55 i Allmänt,

Well today started not as good as I wanted it to.
I woke up with a swollen eye, and half a face. Which kept me home today. And I'm so sad about that. My friend who's getting married in 3 weeks had her surprise today, and I could be there for all the fun. But I was there to wake her up! And that's only because she lives just across the street. And after they left, it was straight back to bed.

My babies has their birthday party today as well, and I'm stuck in bed instead. Can't drive with half an eye on one side.. Well well, I get to celebrate them later!

Now I'm just here studying my ass off to get everything done in time! My head is killing me, but it's just to fight trough the pain. This needs to get done soo!

On other "good" news, I spoke to my doctor yesterday to book an appointment because of my stomach ace, and she was looking trough my list of allergies and was like "are you avoiding these" and started read the list, and after a couple of thing that I already knew she was like "... Cacao... Orange.." And I was like WAIT WHAT?!?!

So yeah, apparently I'm allergic to chocolate and orange... And I had no idea, and I'm SUPER mad about this,... So I have a time booked on Monday to go through the whole list.. Not happy..

Anyway! I'm gonna keep studying and enjoy the beautiful weather from the inside since it's not good to be out in the sun with an infection... But it's all good y'all!

Take care of each other and be KIND!
Puss xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2018-05-19 13:55:27 i Allmänt,


Let's talk about dreams, shall we?

For the longest time, I've been a person who wants to do EVERYTHING! Like I literally mean everything. I wanted to have every profession, be a part of every organisation, help everyone and I wanted to travel everywhere.

And still to this day, I want to do everything. But now that i'm older, but not much wiser, I realize that I might not be able to do exactly everything. But that doesn't mean that I can't do something. Mother's day is coming up and so is my mums birthday. I see those moments as a great opportunity to give something, not just to my mum, but to give back.

My aunties birthday was last month. I got her some earrings and a breast cancer pin to have on the jacket or bag or whatever. I gave a gift and a donated some money for a great cause at the same time.
For my dads birthday and father's day last year, I got him a t-shirt with a mustasch on it, in honor of the mustasch movement for prostata cancer for men.

Not everyone has the economy to be a monthly donnor, me included. I want to help every organisation out there, but that would sadly be impossible. So instead of doing that, buy gifts that contributes to something! It will not only be a very good gift, it will also make a difference.

If you ever wounder what different organisations sell, google it! Its not that hard. I still don't know what to get my mum, but I'm gonna make sure it has meaning, not only because it's from me, but because it makes a difference!

Take care of each other and be KIND!
Puss xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2018-05-13 19:13:24 i Allmänt,

The perfect week.

If you watch How I met your mother, you will think something different about that topic. But I'm talking about something else.

I'm talking about the weather here in Sweden for the past week. It's been perfect for a week.

I've been sitting in the sun and studying basically the whole week. I've been out on walks and runs and just enjoying the weather!
I fixed my plants as well. I don't know what it is about plants that is so relaxing.

I've been studying like a mad man for the past couple of days just to get everything done by the beginning of June, so I can turn in all the assignments and finally relax and get my diploma!

I've been to the gym as well, finally feels like i'm back on track. The eating has not been as good due to my stomach ace, but it's getting better.

Since I have a wedding in like a month and a very big one in August, and I've already bought the dress, I need to keep my body healthy and in shape, because that dress is not kidding when it comes to not being flexible at all. So I need to look my best!

It's good motivation for me to become more healthy and to keep myself moving as well, so it's a win win, I will look flawless on the wedding and my body will be as healthy as it's ever been!

I have now been distracted enough, and need to get back to my studies. It's very interesting but it's hard to keep focus when you have to watch a man speak for 1.30h about a lot of facts and statistics.. Anyway! Let's fight trough this part!

Take care of each other and be KIND!
Puss xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2018-05-10 18:32:08 i Allmänt,

Because of a shitty internet I thought I uploaded a post a couple of days ago, just to notice it had disappeared instead. So here is me, trying to retype it,

At the moment I'm sitting with my bestie in the sun and enjoying the afternoon sun, its a bit windy but who cares when the weather is sooo nice!

So, what have happened since the last time, well let's see, I've been to Lebanon for a quick trip for like 10 days, saw hubby and my granny! (The funniest woman on this earth btw) I went with my mum, and it was soo nice, because they changed the waiting time for the return trip, so we got to spend the time in the VIP lounge, as a sorry! Soo nice! They had a nice breakfast buffé, comfy sofas, and a big screen tv. So no, I was not complaining, at all!

Other than that, I've just been working, fixing around the apartment, and studying, almost done now!

I did record a new video for YT and as soon as I get around to edit it, it will be up ASAP! Bare with me guys!

Why my absents is because I really haven't done much, I did have dinner with my Arab Queens, I've missed them so much! I started a new job, and that's going great!

The Pollen season is on a full roll, which means that I can't sleep like a normal person, I wake up with the biggest head ace, sore nose and puffy eyes. And during the day, all I hear is "bless you" and all I say is "excuse me" and "thank you". Sneezing and coughing is not the funniest thing to do all day, and don't ever take breathing trough your nose for granted! Its a gift! Dry lips are real guys!

The other weekend I spent with my little monkeys who I've missed soooo much! They drive my crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way! They've grown sooo much, it's crazy!

Other than that, there really isn't much else about my life. So that was a quick update!

Take care of each other and be KIND!
Puss xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2018-04-04 22:08:12 i Allmänt,

Its been a really long time, I know I know.

But it's just been crazy and since blogging and YT isn't my job, I do have a lot of other things going on..

I've been working like crazy, moving, traveling, and I did film 3 videos for YT.. BUT 1 of them is not good at all, the 2 is like missing half the clips for some reason that is unknown,,The 3rd one is just awful, in everything, lightning, ankle, yeah everything... But I am gonna record new once! And do some vlogging as well!

I wish I had some crazy stories to tell you. But honestly I've just been working, studying, and well, been home.. I've been moving and starting to settle down in my new place. It feels weird to have a place to call your own.. But I love it! Can't wait for everything to settle in, so I can have a house tour!

Other than that, well.. Not much..

I will from now on try to at least have 1 post a week! And I will try to have it for YT as well, But I can't promise anything!

Take care of each other, and be KIND!
Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2018-01-01 23:52:30 i Allmänt,

Welcome 2018!

Wow it feels weird to say that.. Like where did the time go...

I wanted to start this year off with a fresh start, and many things are going to happen this upcoming year. I'm hoping and praying for this to be the best year yet!

As for the blogbook and for the YouTube channel. I have a lot of stuff coming.. Just hold on a little longer! I promise, I'm working on it.

As for Uni, I'm hopefully done in mid-late April! So keeping my nose in the books for a little while longer I guess..

A Summary of this year will be up on YouTube and some kind of summary here as well!

Hope everyone has a blessed year to come!
And have a happy new year!

Remember, take care of each other and be KIND!
Puss xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-11-11 20:35:11 i Allmänt,

Okay so me being away has been kinda because I've moved from Lebanon back to Sweden and it's been kinda hectic..

But, I finally got a job that I love!
My Studies is going smoothly!
Bought myself a car, small and cute!
I'm trying to get everything to fall into place.

My YouTube thing is going both up and down since I don't always have time to edit and to get everything else in place.

Since I do have a full time job, and I'm a full time student, time isn't really something I have plenty of..

But I have decided to at least try a little bit harder to make this part of my life to work too! So, After I finish my assignment I will sit down and edit the video I filmed last week!

So what have been up to since last time, well, working, studying, had dinner with my Arab Queens, and the biggest thing is the move to Sweden I guess...

ANW, Let's get back to them studies!

Take care of each other and be KIND!!
Puss xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-10-03 20:40:47 i Allmänt,

Why love movies are bad.

No one in the entire world loves romantic movies more than me. And I think that's why I had the hardest time in the beginning of my marriage. Because in all the movies that I love, when people fight, or when there is an disagreement, the guy does everything he can to make up for it. He buys her flowers, gifts, apologizes, does these huge gestures to make sure she forgives him. And in movies when the couple fight, and she kicks him out of the room, he will sleep on the couch. Or that the woman is like the perfect wife, always tidy and neat, kick ass business woman and the best mom ever. The list can be made long. But here are a few very typical movie scenes and how they worked out in my life.

Me to hubby: I don''t want you to sleep in the bed tonight! I can't stand looking at you.
Hubby to me: Well that's your problem since I'm sleeping right here.
*In my mind* Why isn't he sleeping on the couch like I told him to?!

Me to hubby: I'm so mad at you! *Leaves the room*
Hubby to me: Okay, when your done being mad I'm here waiting.

Hubby to me: Did you have time to cook today?
Hubby to me: Someone had I bad day at work..
Me to hubby; Just leave me alone!! You sexist jerk!!

*On the phone*
Me to hubby: What ever bye.
Hubby to me; Bye *Hangs up*
*In my mind* HOW COULD HE HANG UP?!??!!? IS HE STUPID?!?!?!

Okay, so now that we're seen how my mind automatically wanted him to act, let me show you what he actually did.

1: Forced me to stay in bed and cuddled with me until I fell asleep, which I know wouldn't have happened with him on the couch.

2: Called for pizza and called me to stop being a baby and come eat pizza and I forgot why I was mad to start with.

3: He left the house and came back 30 min later with sushi. Enough said.

4: Well I did say bye, so I can't blame him for actually hanging up. But he called like 2 min after and asked if I was done being mad or if he should call back later and tell me we're going out tonight. So basically I forgot why I told him to hang up. And he ended up looking super sexy on our date night, so it was I win win for me. Food and seeing my man in a real shirt which he looks smookin in!

Bottom line is, that I made up these scenes in my head that without my hubby even thinking about doing what he in my head is suppose to do. He knows me, he knows how to make me happy, all that without me telling him how or what to buy me. I'm a very simple girl, food and a movie is usually enough and he knows that.

We have to give the people we're with some slack. Last time I checked I didn't know anyone that could read minds. So how can we get upset when the people don't do what we want them to if we don't TELL them! Instead of using your vocal being a baby about it and whining to your friends and use if to actually TELLING your parter how you feel! Tell them, I would like it if you... I don't like when you... etc. SPEAK!

Like they say "communication is key" and that goes for everything in life.

Take care of each other and be KIND!
Puss xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-09-21 22:52:03 i Allmänt,

Being quiet..

In today's society there is this image of the need to have the "perfect" life. But seriously what is perfect?

We have so many people feeling like crap behind the scens today because no one wants to speak about their problems, because it would ruin people's image of their life.. So they just keep walking around feeling like crap with fear someone will see the truth..

I just wanted to bring a little light on this subject because I feel like it's super important to remember that no one lives a "perfect" life. In that means of "perfect" that people now calls it. But a lot of people live a happy life, that's perfect for them. But what's perfect for me might not be perfect for someone else.

So in conclusion of this post. If you feel down, sad even to the extrem and being depressed please, oh please talk to someone about it! Your health is more important than anything. Who cares about what people think or say! They're gonna talk shit anyway! At least do what's best for you! You don't have to fight alone!

Take care of each other and be KIND!
Puss xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-09-15 21:19:26 i Allmänt,

Dear Blogbook..
Okay so here is the thing. I'm such a nice person. Not even gonna be sorry for talking about me in a good way. So fed up about people who like speaks in a bad way about them selves because that's what's expected of a girl to do. Anyway. But what I can't stand is people taking advantage of that. I'm nice because I believe that what you give is what you receive. So why the actual hell do I have so many people being total a*ses. Like I haven't been anything but nice to these people, why do I always feel like total crap after speaking to them. Like seriously, is it that hard to just be nice?! Seriously, we need to be nicer to each other!! Not causing the other person to have anxiety, panik attacks and get depressed. For real, not talking about "being a bit sad" like some people get and calls it depression. I mean full on depressed mode and wanting to kill them selves... How can people feel better when they make other people feel like crap... I just don't understand...

Take care of each other and be KIND!!!
Puss xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-09-10 21:42:41 i Allmänt,

Guess who's back! (for the 10000 time)
Okay, so I have realized that I cant keep doing this to all of you!

So from now on, if not during the week, every Sunday is gonna be a day for all of you!
That includes a post, with pictures (if anything exciting happened during the week) and a new VIDEO!!
Link to the latest one here:

So what has happened since the last time?
Well, It was my birthday, our first wedding anniversary, a got a tattoo (Yeah me! No kidding!) I found a gym ridiculously close to me, but I haven't gotten myself a membership card yet, I got an infected wisdom teeth so I had to remove that.

Yeah I think that covers about it! If I forgot something, it will just come up later.

AND I KNOW I LITERALLY BEEN OFF FOR A MONTH! Thank you.. But I'm back now and that's all that matters! Right?

Take care of each other and be KIND!
Puss xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-07-31 00:38:05 i Allmänt,

Yeah I know I know... 
I have been super busy and super tired and I have just not been in the mood for anything at all.. 
I started my new job, moved to a new house, AND I have been super busy with moving the stuff and trying to get some studying done.. Plus that I got SUPER SICK, no surprise if you know me.. But yeah, that happened.. 
But I have been doing my workouts and I have been trying to get enough sleep as well. Now I just got out of the shower, feeling tired as ever and I thought, why not get this part of my life together, no excuses! 
So here I am, at 1,30 am writing a somewhat boring post about how busy my life is atm, but how extreamly happy I am for being where I am atm too! 
A longer, better and less waste of time post, coming out tomorrow and hopefully everyday after that! 
Take care of each other and be KIND! 
Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-06-28 23:59:00 i Allmänt,

Okay okay! 
I know I havent been on here in FOREVER! 
BUT! I do ofc have my reasons! 
Ive been very sick and my family was here to visit, so I did put them before blogging, yeah I know, I know.. 
But thats just the way it is! 
Now I'm back and more motivated than ever! It's summer, I'm happy, my health is AMOST 100% again aaaand ITS SUMMER!! Yeah I know I wrote it twise, but thats how important that is for me! 
So, due to A LOT of complications I havent been able to finish everything I wanted, So starting 1st of July, I will be doing my FITAZFK 28 days challenge ALL OVER AGAIN! And its gonna be soooo much fun! I will have to fix the food plan a little, since its not formed after my billion "can't eat this" but I'm sure I will find a way! 
Other than that, its been forever since I uploaded my YouTube channel aswell, But that is gonna chnage! A new video is under editing and hopefully will be done very soon! 
SOOO a lot of stuff happening! So stay tuned for the future! 
Take care of each other and be KIND 
Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-05-26 18:53:21 i Allmänt,

Hello everyone! 
So its friday today and I bet most of the world is super excited about that, but for me, I didnt know it was friday until I looked at my calendar. The life of the housewife! Anw, while I was doing absolutely nothing, I came to think about a topic thats really big part of my life, LOVE. 
Dont worry this isnt gonna be one of these super cheesy posts about how love makes you feel like your waking on a field of like candy and rainbows with unicorns and stuff! 
Lets talk about real everyday love! 
So like everyone knows I'm married and been happily married for almost a year now, which is crazy! But everyday of my marrige isnt a walk in the park under sunshine. And I'm not sad about that! Because thats normal, if you're in a relationship and NEVER disagree on anything, are you really in a healthy relationship? The thing is with relationships and marrige, its not suppose to be like rainbows and stuff. You are 2 different people, you are your own person and 2 individuals trying to work as one isnt gonna be flawless! You are gonna fight and argue and dissagree, because in the end of the day, you are trying to live together with a human thats not exactly like you. And life isnt easy when you like live alone with just you to figure out and to handle, and its sure as hell not easy when you have to figure out another human being whos mind you cant read! 
Love is the best feeling in the world, it makes life better. Its the best thing ever to have someone to push you and to be your own little cheerleader when you need it the most. Love will always be better than anything else. I'm talking abou love in a emotion kinda way, so what I mean is that you can recieve it in different kind of ways. It can be trough your family, friends, partner, church, sports etc. But love is rather fenominal when you have a special someone to share it with. That lives with you, loves you, supports you, and goes trough life together with you. It doesnt mean that your love is perfect but at least its perfect for you! 
I dont think I really have an "aha" kinda point with this post, rather than just confirming to every struggling couple out there that it is okay to go trough paths with bumps on the road. Its okay to disagree. In the end of the day, you are still trying to figure yourself out while figuring another human being out! Give yourself some slack and take a date night just the two of you to enjoy eachother!
But I will say this; whats NOT okay is when the bumps on the road comes in the form of physical abuse. Everyone knows this, everyones heard it, yet there is still so many people living in toxic relationships. I've been lucky to never go trough that, so I cant even imagine how the person feels. But I do know that if you are in one of those relationships, and youre afraid to leave or cant leave for different reasons, please get help! If there are children involved PLEASE GET OUT OF THERE!! If you are afraid for different reasons, dont be, there is a lot of wonderful people working hard daily to protect people like you! Look it up on the internet, how you can get help the closest, make sure to act asap, becase you dont deserve that no matter what the evil little voice in your head says. You NEVER deserve to be treated like that. We even have laws protecting ANIMALS from that kind of behavior. What on earth would make you think that you're less worthy? 
Take care of each other and be KIND! 
Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-05-25 21:03:51 i Allmänt,

Hello there blogbook! 
So there is a lot of stuff happening in my life atm, and the biggest one is that I finally quit my job! I wanted to do that for such a long time, and finally I just did it! I can admit that it wasnt the best way to leave, but I just had to. 
In other news
My family is coming in about a week!! And I'm sooo excited! I've missed them soo much!! I did some shopping aswell, and I'm soo excited to get my stuff home! Other than that, I've been studying a lot, and its going pretty well! Hopefully we will record the video soon enough so we'll get it up before the week ends! 
I still dont know when I will be uploading videos, but we're figuring it out! We also have some very exciting news coming your way! So keep an extra eye open for that! 
Take care of each other and be KIND! 
Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-05-17 20:32:06 i Allmänt,

So yesterday I went to the cinemas with my hubby, and on our way there my feet started to kill me because my shoes arent walked in yet! So, we went by a store and he bought me new shoes!! Isnt my boo just the best! 
But we had a very busy day yesterday, and we had time to do a lot of stuff, since I'm home and my hubby was off yesterday, like the first time we were off at the same time in ages. We went and saw some friends that we didnt have time to see in a very long time, and we went to my auties, went to the cinema, saw the director for upcoming video, and then we went home and fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.
Today a slept for a long time but I didnt sleep very well. I cooked and got dressed and went to my hubby and brought him food with me, since he left this morning without some! Now I'm off to studying again! Goona bring these grades in!! Only 6 months left, and then, DONE WITH UNI!! 
Take care of each other and be KIND! 
Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-05-15 23:34:50 i Allmänt,

So today dear bloggbook was a day of emotions. I was suppose to be back at the fitness plan, BUUUUT a rack of clothes at work fell on my fingers so now they look like a mumie and I can't use them at all. So it was just off to the hospital to check that nothing was broken, and then it was just off to scaning and waiting and then the doctor said that my 3 fingers where just twisted. The doctor also gave me 2 days of rest at home and a couple of pills to take, so yeah.. 
In other news 
A NEW VIDEO IS UP ON YOUTUBE!! The link will be here
So now I'm gonna try to get some sleep and try not to think about how extreamly annoying this mumie hand is.. 
Take care of eachother and be KIND!
Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-05-12 21:18:06 i Allmänt,

So, I've been very out of rutine at the moment! Its super annoying, but I feel like I need it. I need to not do so much, and just try to rest and focus my energy on things that keeps me happy! Like the fact that its less than a month until my family FINALLY comes to Lebanon so I can see them, and god I miss my baby sooo much! How will I ever live away from her?! It just proves that I need to live close to my family! 
In other news, I'm coming back on track with the fitness program! And I'm super excited that my body FINALLY has got itself together and I'm back in the condition to workout again! God Fitazfk company must hate me right now! Worst partned ever.. BUT! Since they are soo nice, they haven't been bombing me with demands! They are THE BEST!! 
I'm currently sitting at my hubbys job and studying! Well, when I'm not writing this, I am.. 
In a bit I will go visit my friend Jana that works besides us! Shes the best!
Okay, so enough for today, I need to get back to studying! 
Take care of each other and be KIND!! 
Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-05-07 12:42:57 i Allmänt,

Its been such a long time since I wrote something here.. Not good I know.. BUT, I am working on stuff to make it better! We shot a video on Friday that was suppose to be up the same day, but the shooting took longer than expected, soooo, it wasnt up! BUT it will be up today hopefully! 
Today I have a photoshoot with my director, he's the one that makes the magic happens when it comes to both filming and cutting the video! We have a BOMB place to shoot, and it wil also be a a videoshooting for next weeks video! Its gonna be so much fun! I'm really excited and hope everyone will enjoy it as much as I love to do it! 
We are also working on a secret project, but this will take a little while to be ready! But I'm super hyped about it! 
Not to the reason why my fiitness workouts has stopped a bit, and why I havent written anything for a while. Well I've been sick, and my body has been very sad! So I put my health first but tried to still upload instagram pics so I wouldnt be totaly rude and just leave everyone like that! But now I'm feeling a lot better! So I'm slowly getting back on track! Praying for the best! 
Now cleaning and being a good wifey, later, shower, makeup, hair, clothes and being a very hot wifey! My hubby sure is lucky! (Internet freaks out about a girl having confidence, in 3....2....1.....) 
Take care of each other and be KIND!! 
Love xx

Dear Blogbook!

Publicerad 2017-04-25 14:31:22 i Allmänt,

So, I havent been on here for like a week. And its becuase I've been super sick and only did like sleep and go to work to come home and sleep again. 
I've done some serious working though! And I can now officially announs that...
I'll link it down under! 
My mum arrived yesturday so both me and hubby took a day off from work to spend some time with her! And to my happiness, the food just arrived! 
So now, food, and later, do something fun with mum! 
Take care of each other and be KIND! 
Love xx


Min profilbild

Elissa Malak Chahine

A happy girl with a pretty ordinary life! Married to the best man in the world and surrounded by the worlds best family and friends! In this blogbook I write aboout some stuff that I think about, feel strongly about and about my opinions about stuff. Aaaand sometimes about some crzy stuff happening in my not so crazy life! Love xx

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